Todd Nesbitt, PhDr., Ph.D.

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Dr. Nesbitt holds a Ph.D., PhDr., and a Master’s Degree from the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism of the faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University, and a bachelor's degree in Communication Studies and a letter of equivalency in English from the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. He has taught courses at the faculties of Law, Humanities, and Social Sciences at Charles University, and currently serves as Dean of the School of Communication and Media studies at the University of New York in Prague. His research interests include strategic political communication, media globalization and media ownership, and his community involvement has consisted of holding public talks and seminars, contributing to the local press, and teaching courses at public schools on media related issues. He was a member of the editorial board of the street newspaper Nový Prostor, which offers the homeless, and those at risk of becoming homeless, the opportunity to earn an income, with an aim to helping them reintegrate into society.



Get to Know Your Professor

  1. How did you become interested in your subject and why did you want to teach it?
    • Like you now, I once went on study abroad and became astonished at how the media content people were consuming around the world was the same or similar and everything – and everyone - was starting to look like and be like everything else. I realized that the key to understanding the world is above all about the power of global media and flows of global communication and decided to study it.
  2. I'm thinking about pursuing a career in your field. What advice can you give me?
    • Living in the year 2024 means that you are quite likely part of what we call participatory propaganda campaigns. Thus, you are pursuing a career as a propagandist, even if you don’t realize it… The advice I would give you is to be very carefully and critically about your mediated communications, as online propaganda is changing the world we live in, and not necessarily for the better.
  3. If you were not an academic, what career would you want to pursue?
    • Well, the great thing about being an academic is that you can have multiple careers at the same time, so I in fact already am pursuing all the careers I ever wanted to do – except for professional ice hockey player, I kind of missed the canoe on that one…
  4. What is your favorite café/restaurant in Prague?
    • My favourite was the pub in my building – legendary pub U Vodoucha – which closed down in summer of 2022. I have never found a replacement but am taking tips!
  5. What fictional character would you like to meet?
    • This is an incredibly difficult question! I think I am a bit too stuck in reality... The best I can think of is Pérák, legendary antifascist Czechoslovak superhero. On the lighter side, Maggie Jacobs from the British sitcom Extras.

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Curriculum Vitae